

Rem Koolhaus (OMA) has recently unveiled this design located near Madison Square Park. I like it. I like this new kind of urbanism that sets these giant urban structures in opposition (or in tandem) with each other in a playful way. It looks like it's peaking around the other one, as if to say, "you can't steal my light. My European styling is way doper than your transparent cladding and you know it."

It reminds me of the kind of grand gesture that the CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (also designed by OMA) uses in which the separate structures compliment each other in grandiose space. From the right angle, it kind of gives the impression of looking through a frame, or TV screen, but in the most subtle of ways.

Overall, In my eyes, Rem Koolhaus is the most interesting contemporary architect, because he is critical (see SMLXL), and yet he uses his critical approach to create something that is playful and intriguing without being overly spectacular. I salute you, Remington.

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